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Namanya juga @KuyShare, apapun kalau menurutku menarik/bermanfaat atau kalau Horace bilangnya "dulce et utile" pasti akan dishare. Gak percaya? lihat aja channel Telegram @KuyShare pasti isinya gak jelas arah tujuannyašŸ˜‚.
@KuyShare di Telegram
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VMess is a protocol that is used by the V2Ray network protocol to establish a connection between a client and a server
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VLESS is a stateless lightweight transport protocol, which is divided into inbound and outbound parts, and can be used as a bridge between Xray clients and servers
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Trojan is a proxy server, client and protocol, designed to bypass the Great Firewall of China by imitating HTTPS. Trojan claims to be unidentifiable.
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Shadowsocks is an open-source proxy project built with the intention of circumventing internet censorship.
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